We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Baby Boy Thatcher update

I had yet another ultrasound the other day (it's my 4th-this baby is already high maintenance!) This is partly because I am of "Advanced Maternal Age" but mostly because one of the baby's kidneys continues to have fluid around it. I have to go back for another ultrasound in 5 weeks and see if it is still the same or bigger. If it is, I have to see a Pediatric Urologist soon after the baby is born. Now, it's not as bad as it sounds, apparently a baby's ureter (the tube that runs to the bladder) can get a "kink" in it and 90% of the time it fixes itself soon after delivery, so it is just precautionary at this point. I am not too worried about it, we will just wait and see. Anyway, here are some pictures of the ultrasound. I never got the 4d ones with my other kids, they are still kind of alien-esque, but his little guy sure has a cute little nose.You'll have to click on it to make it bigger, I was too lazy to crop them all!
There you have it, the latest on the baby front. We are now 3 months away from d-day and I am still trying to decide if I am going to have a planned C-section or try a VBAC. Both options scare me and so part of me is wondering why there can't be a third option! As the time gets closer I get a little more nervous about how this one is going to enter this world...please be a lot less eventful than last time!!
The days seem to drag at times and at others it seems to be flying by. Time is funny that way!


Laura said...

what great pictures of your baby! maybe i'll have another one just so i can get a cool ultrasound? i don't blame you for being nervous about giving birth, though--i would be, too, if i were you! i'm sure it will be fine, though.

Tara said...

You are allowed to be nervous with all the stuff you went through last time...geez!

Good luck with everything!

shayla said...

With all the technology and ALL the ultrasounds I had, I never came away with 3D pics like that...even with Viviana. So far he looks just like your others! Now, imagine having that baby last week...It struck me looking at the images that it was taken at 27 w 4 days... I was 26 weeks 4 days when Vivie was born. I hope his kidneys end up not causing a ruckus! Everything will be fine whichever birthing method you choose:)

Emily Widdison said...

He is already adorable! I think I would go with a c-section...seeing how your last one went, but only you can decide! Good luck!

Emily Widdison said...

Oh, I'm at 7 weeks 2 days, but who is counting?? My sister in-law (the one that lives here in Utah) had hers last night....16 hours of labor, 2 hours of pushing, and a pair of metal tongs later, they have an 8 lb boy.:) She was so swollen I didn't even recognize her...so sad. But she did it!

Serendipity said...

I love the 3D ultrasound...and this is such a great time of year to be pregnant...so much to be thankful for...and Christmas!

Best wishes for you and your little one...

Melissa said...

I can already tell he's cute. I didnt get to tell you how much fun I had with you at the beach house. Im sad I couldnt stay longer. Addison says thanks for the shout out in the carp blog.

Karalee said...

What cool pictures! I am glad his kidney problem will not be a big worry to you.

Kate said...

These pics of your baby in utero are AMAZING! Best wishes with the rest of your pregnancy and future ultrasounds.

Sabrina O'Malley said...

I am sure you will figure out what is best for you. I was very glad I did a VBAC but I also remember wishing for a 3rd option.

Baby Thatcher looks very cute already. You are in our thoughts. Take care and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy (as much as possible :0 )

Rosey Posey said...

He is a beauty.. all of your babies are though. It was expected! Glad to hear he is doing well. I think he will be happy and healthy and you won't have to worry about the kidneys. We'll keep in our prayers though... it doesn't hurt : ) Love you guys.