We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Housekeeping Habits

Do you have certain days that you clean certain rooms or do certain tasks? Or do you clean on an "as needed" basis? How does that work for you? Tell me about your housekeeping routines...I need all the help I can get!


Kristie said...

I actually made me a little sticker chart, because I always get distracted and don't finish things. This has helped me to see what I need to do. I seperated it into morning things and evening things. Some days I am really good at getting everything done, but for the most part I forget one or two little things. It sure helps me to be aware of how much time I spend working on things that should only take me a few minutes. Good Luck!

Jen Lynn said...

Once upon a time, I split my house into 6 sections, and I assigned each section a day of the week (mon-sat)and I'd clean it whichever way I wanted. Somedays I'd go all out and vacuum, dust, and wipe baseboards, etc. Other weeks I'd just do the bare minimum. But everything was cleaned once a week in one way or another.

That was the best plan I have ever had, but it's been awhile since I've practiced it.

Emily Widdison said...

I've tried schedules but never ever stick with them...I try to do most of my work at the beginning of the week so that the end of the week and weekend are fun and I have more energy at the beginning anyways. For laundry...I tried the one load a day....did NOT work...so I'm back to usually Monday all day doing laundry...and I try my darndest to put it away that same day! Hahahaha....

Becky J. said...

No, but you know flylady does! If you haven't ever checked her out before, I've heard great things about her at flylady.net (I think?)

Dannielle said...

I think I am on a needs only basis but I am a little OCD for sure. It is definitely nice having my girls a little older because they do help me alot. And usually if they want a friend I tell them yes if they help me. And they do it. Even Ryan puts away his own laundry. I think kids can do more than you think. Dishwasher, fold towels - two things I hate. So I love if they do it for me. Oh and if they get on punishment - they can work it off. Am I a mean mom :)

shayla said...

um....let me see.. 6 kids, mayhem, organized chaos...the cleaning NEVER ends. I clean one area and get around to the next only to find the last area messed up again leaving me to wonder why I even try in the first place? I don't think we ever will be sane and I don't think my house will ever feel clean for more than 2 minutes. But I have to say..my kids are responsible for their own laundry and their bathrooms, plus they each have a job (clean out DW, load DW, sweep/mop/vacuum/trash, etc) that we rotate weekly. We vacuum everyday---2-3 times and sometimes it's all I can do to just keep the downstairs presentable...I hardly care how the upstairs looks sometimes:)