for my life. It is spiraling out of control. The problem is...I'm not a planner. Where do I start? How do I get control before my life is over? Anyone wanna come help me get a life? Or at least a plan for this life that is upon me whether I like it or not?
~~crickets chirping~~
Yeah, that's exactly how I feel!
i'm wondering about that too? Why is four so hard? People always told me that everything is the same after you reach 3. Not true!! I can't figure my life out. I feel like the "real" Jen was left somewhere back there in my last two years. And this Jen is just a foggy mess.
Good Luck.
i think you are better than you give yourself credit for.
I am so sorry! I feel the same way sometimes! If only we could be neighobrs again, we could help each other. I miss you!
And on another note, do you guys own the Arthur and the invisible s? A cartooon kids movie?? Actually, now I'm not sure if that is the name...I found a great deal and wanted to get your kiddos a cute movie for Christmas but don't know what ones they would like...there is also hello kitty...let me know!! Thanks. and I have no words of advice for you. Just breath in and out and take one day at a time...things always get better:)OR escape and come visit me!:)
oh and as for plans...we through those out the window a long long time ago...we literally only know a few months ahead at a time now. I highly dislike it. I'm going to call you.
Step One: Get a notebook.
Step Two: Start making lists. Lots and lots of lists. For everything--your day, your food, Christmas preparation, purchases you want to make, phone calls to make. It doesn't matter if you ever get anything done off your lists, just writing things down helps, somehow.
Seriously, I've been feeling a little spirally, too, and I only have two kids to keep up with and no baby, so I can't even imagine what you are doing. but I really do like my lists. And every now and then, I even look at one and then cross something off. And at least I don't have to wake up at 3 a.m. amd hope I can remember that thing I need to do. Because it is written down in my notebook (which also means I'm not looking for my scraps of paper everywhere.)
I got nothing but love and hope for you that things get better soon! So sorry!
spiraling out of control? How you figure?? what kind of plan? Spiritual plan? Day to day plan? housecleaning plan? Dealing with kids plan? all of it? Take it from someone who knows a thing or two about "out of control"... it sounds like you are a tiny bit overwhelmed. give me a call and we can chat if you want. I've learned some stuff over the past 5 months on how to deal with crazy and overwhelmed... good luck sweetie
If I gave you advise on this one, it would be like the blind leading the blind. I'm affraid we are too much alike when it comes to this area, so when you figure it out, can you let me know. I could really use the help!!!!
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