We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.

Monday, January 21, 2008

More January randomness

That's right...you gotta start 'em early! I didn't put my other two to work early enough and just look, they're inside watching a movie while their not-quite-18-month-old brother is out'doin' all the work. I better teach this one right, or I'd have to be the one shoveling, instead of just taking the picture!I'd like you to meet a new member of our family...isn't she beautiful? She will be the key to me not losing those pesky last 10 pounds as she is just too darn good at making those scrumptious desserts that I love so well. Especially chocolate chip cookies...yum!

Oh, what do you do in the wintertime when all the world is white and cold and you have 3 youngsters trapped in the house for days on end? You build one of these:Just in case you can't tell, it's a fort that takes up my entire family room. Here's what it looks like inside:
Personally, I don't see the appeal, but they played for a good hour so that I could waste time playing on the internet. Oh, sure, I had plenty of other more worthwhile things I could've been doing (ie: laundry, dishes, laundry, cleaning the bathrooms, laundry...you get the picture) But those would all be there later, what's the rush?!?We had a fun field trip with the MBASA (MBA spouse association) where Cosmo (BYU's mascot) came and took pictures with the kids. They enjoyed it. Can't you tell just by looking at Dyl's excited expression? We also played with a big parachute and cracked open a pinata. Always a hit (no pun intended!)

Here's a picture of me. Grace took it. I just thought I'd post a lone picture of me for no other reason than I can (that's so out of character for me.) It's not the most flattering, but considering a 4 yo took it, it ain't too shabby. I hope it doesn't scare you off!Okay, it is a little scary...sorry!

On Saturday, I took Grace to a Best of Disney show and Princess breakfast at a local theater (and dang it, I forgot my camera) I am trying to do the whole mommy/daughter bonding thing as I have been feeling like she needs a little extra, undivided attention from her mother (she's very good at ignoring me and any request that I make of her.) So, we have this nice time and on the way home the following conversation ensued:
Me: did you have a good time?
Grace: *no response*
Me: was that a fun thing to do with your mommy?
Grace: *no response*
Not wanting to give up
Me: what was your favorite part?
Grace: *no response*
At this point I just turned up my music and sang to myself the rest of the way home.
On the same token, Jesse and I went out today for some dessert at the Red Lobster. We had a decadent Chocolate chip lava cookie a la mode. Delish...you must try it. We had a nice conversation over dessert and Jess even got to pet a lobster. He was definitely the more fun date!


Jessica said...

what a fun looking fort! i say whatever keeps them quiet and happy then who cares how big a mess it makes, right?

your dates sound fun. i love how grace didn't even respond. my grace does the same thing sometimes where she just won't answer me when i'm talking to her and it drives me nuts!

shayla said...

Forts drive me NUTS...mostly because remnants often get left for ME to clean up! Your kids are resourceful, no doubt! Looks like fun... Love your new mixer and it looks like your 4 year old is going on 16 too! ( I have a few of those kind--going on 16).

Go look at this blog...it's my friend's friends (blog stalking) and I love how she has taken pics like you just did and with her kids cause us photographers often get left out!!!! Who is going to remember what WE looked like?

shayla said...

try this instead

shayla said...

apparently the link doesn't work

Joanne said...

I love your random posts! And I love Dylan trying to help clear the snow off the driveway. And I love your new Kitchenaid.

Sonja said...

Your new addition is fabulous! I love the color. We're expecting one someday. :D

What a great picture of you Poppy! I've always thought you were beautiful.